February in Florida
The older I get, the more time passes by more quickly than I had ever noticed as a child. When you’re a kid, the hours tick away as if you’re watching the grass grow endlessly, but as you grow it seems there aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish all of the things. It’s hard to believe that it is already February. While it is technically slow season for the photographers of the world, life hasn’t slowed a bit at our house. One day when the kids are old and grown, I’m sure we will have some room to breathe, but for now, we juggle all of the things.
Typically, January and February look like brushing up on education and improving practices to make for a better client experience and help me to grow as a photographer. A couple of weeks ago, I did something new: I captured a night launch! Now, I have sort of done this before, but I was mostly just the button pusher (and honestly, didn’t do that great of a job on even that LOL). A few months back, my husband switched over from the Air Force to the Space Force at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station during a launch around midnight on his birthday. He had a tall order for me to capture this while he did his oath, so I enlisted the help of another local photographer to help me fill in the gaps. I was grateful for the help, but knew I wanted to see if I was able to capture something on my own the next time.
I hope to capture more night launches in the future in some cooler spots, but I was pretty stoked to see that even though the location was just outside the door two minutes before lift off, these images can be pretty spectacular. I hope to continue to improve on this, but for now I’ll share my very first night launch capture!
Cape Canaveral Polar Launch as seen from Rockledge, Florida. Space Coast Photographer, Brevard County